Cumulusmx und Raspberry

für User von CumulusMX
Beiträge: 208
Registriert: 08 Dez 2020, 09:17
Wohnort: Willich
Hat sich bedankt: 82 mal
Danksagung erhalten: 8 mal

Re: Cumulusmx und Raspberry


Beitrag von moppedhausi »

olicat hat geschrieben: 19 Aug 2023, 08:11 offenbar sind die im htop angezeigten mono's nicht wirklich Instanzen, sondern Threads. Aber die Anzahl wächst. Im letzten Bild zähle ich schon 22 (oder so) - auf jeden Fall mehr als die 15 im Bild von gestern Abend.
Das heißt dann aber auch, dass die zusätzliche Zeile (die müsste unter Service eingetragen werden) nichts bringen dürfte.
Die Zeile mit dem wc -l gibt weiterhin 1 aus?

Eine wachsende Anzahl von Threads bedeutet, dass CMX irgendwelche Aufgaben turnusmäßig ausführt, die aber nicht fertig werden.
Fällt Dir in diesem Zusammenhang etwas ein?

Die Anzahl Threads werden mehr, jetzt bei 23. CumulusMX läuft jetzt knapp 12 Std., werde ich auf jeden Fall weiter beobachten.
Die Zeile mit dem wc -l gibt weiterhin nur eine 1 aus.
Auch im Debug-Modus von CumulusMX finde ich nichts aussergwöhnliches.

Aktuell ist CumulusMX schon, Cumulus MX v:3.26.0, b:3248
Beiträge: 2210
Registriert: 07 Dez 2020, 20:33
Wohnort: Hohen Neuendorf
Hat sich bedankt: 34 mal
Danksagung erhalten: 440 mal

Re: Cumulusmx und Raspberry


Beitrag von olicat »


ich hatte meinen letzten Beitrag nochmal geändert und einen Link zu GitHub eingefügt. Dein CMX ist aktuell?

Beiträge: 208
Registriert: 08 Dez 2020, 09:17
Wohnort: Willich
Hat sich bedankt: 82 mal
Danksagung erhalten: 8 mal

Re: Cumulusmx und Raspberry


Beitrag von moppedhausi »

olicat hat geschrieben: 19 Aug 2023, 08:31 Sorry,

ich hatte meinen letzten Beitrag nochmal geändert und einen Link zu GitHub eingefügt. Dein CMX ist aktuell?

Ja, ist aktuell. Cumulus MX v:3.26.0, b:3248
Beiträge: 3140
Registriert: 10 Aug 2021, 23:41
Wohnort: Saarbrücken
Hat sich bedankt: 14 mal
Danksagung erhalten: 478 mal

Re: Cumulusmx und Raspberry


Beitrag von Gyvate »

ich habe da einen Verdacht ....
Zwei Fragen:
- wie sieht der aktuelle Speicherverbrauch von mono aus ?
- gibt es mehrere cumulusutils.exe Instanzen, die nicht zum Abschluss kommen ?
(mal die jeweiligen CUtils Logs untersuchen, ob dort jeweils ein geordnetes Beenden dokumentiert ist)
ins besondere Aufrufe mit der Option "Website" (was ist denn das Datum der letzten Website-Erstellungen im CUtils-Interface ?)
WS2320E,HP2553,HP3501,GWxy00,x=1,2;y=0,1,2;WH2650,WN19x0,WN1820, Meteobridge,Weewx , CumulusMX, Barani MeteoShield Pro, MetSpecRad02, SMarTCELLino, Personal Weather Tablet(PWT) - (Ecowitt WiKi Englisch)
Beiträge: 208
Registriert: 08 Dez 2020, 09:17
Wohnort: Willich
Hat sich bedankt: 82 mal
Danksagung erhalten: 8 mal

Re: Cumulusmx und Raspberry


Beitrag von moppedhausi »

Der aktuelle Speicherverbauch:
htop2.png (148.11 KiB) 4177 mal betrachtet
CUtils Logs habe ich gerade aktiviert und mit Option Website laufen gelassen.
Hab mal die Log angehängt, ich sehe keine Probleme:

Code: Alles auswählen

2023-08-19 11:29:01.698 Information According to Inifile info => Error: True, Warning: True, Info: True, Verbose: False, 
2023-08-19 11:29:01.704 CumulusUtils Initial: Shutting down the default listener
2023-08-19 11:29:01.711  CUstrings[xx].ini : CUstringsDE.ini looked for.
2023-08-19 11:29:01.718 CumulusUtils version: 6.20.0 
2023-08-19 11:29:01.718  CuSupport constructor : Unit Wind (m/s, mph, km/h, kts): km/Std.
2023-08-19 11:29:01.719  CuSupport constructor : Unit Pressure (mb,hPa,inHg): hPa
2023-08-19 11:29:01.719  CuSupport constructor : Unit Rain (mm,in): mm
2023-08-19 11:29:01.719  CuSupport constructor : Unit T (C,F): °C
2023-08-19 11:29:01.719  CuSupport constructor : Unit Distance (m, mi, km, kn): km
2023-08-19 11:29:01.732 InetSupport: Constructor start
2023-08-19 11:29:02.114 Information InetSupport: FTP Setup (After connect):
2023-08-19 11:29:02.114 InetSupport: Plain Old FTP activated.
2023-08-19 11:29:02.114 Information InetSupport: FTP Server: Unknown on Unix
2023-08-19 11:29:02.114 CumulusUtils : ----------------------------
2023-08-19 11:29:02.114 CumulusUtils : Entering Main
2023-08-19 11:29:02.117 HelpTexts Contructor: start
2023-08-19 11:29:02.130 Information HelpTexts Contructor: stop
2023-08-19 11:29:02.131 Checking Mono Version on Linux/Unix
2023-08-19 11:29:02.133 Information StartProcess mono -V
2023-08-19 11:29:02.151 Information StartProcess mono: output=Mono JIT compiler version (tarball Tue Jul 11 21:54:54 UTC 2023)
2023-08-19 11:29:02.151 Information StartProcess mono: output=Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Novell, Inc, Xamarin Inc and Contributors.
2023-08-19 11:29:02.151 Information StartProcess mono: output=	TLS:           __thread
2023-08-19 11:29:02.151 Information StartProcess mono: output=	SIGSEGV:       normal
2023-08-19 11:29:02.151 Information StartProcess mono: output=	Notifications: epoll
2023-08-19 11:29:02.152 Information StartProcess mono: output=	Architecture:  armel,vfp+hard
2023-08-19 11:29:02.152 Information StartProcess mono: output=	Disabled:      none
2023-08-19 11:29:02.152 Information StartProcess mono: output=	Misc:          softdebug 
2023-08-19 11:29:02.152 Information StartProcess mono: output=	Interpreter:   yes
2023-08-19 11:29:02.152 Information StartProcess mono: output=	LLVM:          yes(610)
2023-08-19 11:29:02.152 Information StartProcess mono: output=	Suspend:       preemptive
2023-08-19 11:29:02.152 Information StartProcess mono: output=	GC:            sgen (concurrent by default)
2023-08-19 11:29:02.158 CheckMonoVersion: detected MONO major version: 6 (Mono JIT compiler version (tarball Tue Jul 11 21:54:54 UTC 2023))
2023-08-19 11:29:02.207 CommandLineArgs : starting
2023-08-19 11:29:02.207  CommandLineArgs : handling arg: SysInfo
2023-08-19 11:29:02.207  CommandLineArgs : handling arg: UserAskedData
2023-08-19 11:29:02.207  CommandLineArgs : handling arg: UserReports
2023-08-19 11:29:02.207 CommandLineArgs : End
2023-08-19 11:29:02.209 Dayfile constructor: Using path: | data/ |; file: | dayfile.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:02.213 Information Dayfile constructor: Working on: data/copy_dayfile.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:02.214 Information CumulusUtils : Creating class dayfile -> Opening dayfile.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:02.491 Information CumulusUtils : Read dayfile.txt succesfully - 3125 records
2023-08-19 11:29:02.509 SystemStatus : starting
2023-08-19 11:29:02.547 Information GetUrlData Start: URL - http://localhost:8998/api/tags/process.json?version&build&ProgramUpTime&NewBuildAvailable&NewBuildNumber&CpuCount&CPUTemp 
2023-08-19 11:29:03.009 CumulusMX Version: 3.26.0 build 3248
2023-08-19 11:29:03.010 Information  SystemStatus: Found device 12 GW1000
2023-08-19 11:29:03.011 SystemStatus : DoingUnix
2023-08-19 11:29:03.014 Information SystemStatus : DoingUnix Start
2023-08-19 11:29:03.014 Information StartProcess uptime -p
2023-08-19 11:29:03.023 Information StartProcess uptime: output=up 16 hours
2023-08-19 11:29:03.024 Information StartProcess lshw -quiet -class system
2023-08-19 11:29:04.869 Information StartProcess lshw: output=cumulusmx
2023-08-19 11:29:04.870 Information StartProcess lshw: output=    description: ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l)
2023-08-19 11:29:04.870 Information StartProcess lshw: output=    product: Raspberry Pi 400 Rev 1.0
2023-08-19 11:29:04.870 Information StartProcess lshw: output=    serial: 10000000241beb57
2023-08-19 11:29:04.870 Information StartProcess lshw: output=    width: 32 bits
2023-08-19 11:29:04.870 Information StartProcess lshw: output=    capabilities: smp
2023-08-19 11:29:04.875 Information StartProcess uname -s -r -m
2023-08-19 11:29:04.882 Information StartProcess uname: output=Linux 5.10.103-v7l+ armv7l
2023-08-19 11:29:04.883 Information StartProcess lsb_release -a
2023-08-19 11:29:04.969 Information StartProcess lsb_release: output=Distributor ID:	Raspbian
2023-08-19 11:29:04.969 Information StartProcess lsb_release: output=Description:	Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
2023-08-19 11:29:04.969 Information StartProcess lsb_release: output=Release:	10
2023-08-19 11:29:04.969 Information StartProcess lsb_release: output=Codename:	buster
2023-08-19 11:29:04.983 Information StartProcess mono -V
2023-08-19 11:29:04.993 Information StartProcess mono: output=Mono JIT compiler version (tarball Tue Jul 11 21:54:54 UTC 2023)
2023-08-19 11:29:04.993 Information StartProcess mono: output=Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Novell, Inc, Xamarin Inc and Contributors.
2023-08-19 11:29:04.993 Information StartProcess mono: output=	TLS:           __thread
2023-08-19 11:29:04.993 Information StartProcess mono: output=	SIGSEGV:       normal
2023-08-19 11:29:04.993 Information StartProcess mono: output=	Notifications: epoll
2023-08-19 11:29:04.993 Information StartProcess mono: output=	Architecture:  armel,vfp+hard
2023-08-19 11:29:04.993 Information StartProcess mono: output=	Disabled:      none
2023-08-19 11:29:04.993 Information StartProcess mono: output=	Misc:          softdebug 
2023-08-19 11:29:04.993 Information StartProcess mono: output=	Interpreter:   yes
2023-08-19 11:29:04.993 Information StartProcess mono: output=	LLVM:          yes(610)
2023-08-19 11:29:04.993 Information StartProcess mono: output=	Suspend:       preemptive
2023-08-19 11:29:04.993 Information StartProcess mono: output=	GC:            sgen (concurrent by default)
2023-08-19 11:29:04.993 Information StartProcess free -m
2023-08-19 11:29:05.002 Information StartProcess free: output=              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
2023-08-19 11:29:05.003 Information StartProcess free: output=Mem:           3837         998        1794          17        1044        2688
2023-08-19 11:29:05.003 Information StartProcess free: output=Swap:            99           0          99
2023-08-19 11:29:05.003 Information StartProcess df -T -text4 -tvfat -h
2023-08-19 11:29:05.011 Information StartProcess df: output=Dateisystem    Typ  Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf
2023-08-19 11:29:05.012 Information StartProcess df: output=/dev/root      ext4  118G    4,0G  114G    4% /
2023-08-19 11:29:05.012 Information StartProcess df: output=/dev/sda1      vfat  253M     49M  204M   20% /boot
2023-08-19 11:29:05.017 USerReports: Start
2023-08-19 11:29:05.025 MapsOn: Start
2023-08-19 11:29:05.026 Information  MapsOn: Adding Station: Wetterstation Willich
2023-08-19 11:29:05.068 Information MapsOn: Before testing DoneToday after parsing: 19.08.2023 03:49:05 
2023-08-19 11:29:05.069 Information DateIsToday for thisDate: 19.08.2023 03:49:05 | thisDate.DayOfYear: 231 versus Now.DayOfYear: 231)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.071 DateIsToday: thisSpan: 07:40:00.0693310 | thisSpan.TotalDays = 0,319445246886574
2023-08-19 11:29:05.071 DateIsToday returning True
2023-08-19 11:29:05.071 Information MapsOn: Must NOT send signature, has been done already : 2023-08-19T03:49:05
2023-08-19 11:29:05.071 Information Fetch Map: Fetching the generated map
2023-08-19 11:29:05.071 Information GetUrlData Start: URL - 
2023-08-19 11:29:05.375 Information Main: <style>
.cuMapCircle {cursor: grab;}
2023-08-19 11:29:05.380 Information UserAskedData Start...
2023-08-19 11:29:05.380 Information UserAskedData Doing the compiler stuff...
2023-08-19 11:29:05.437 DefineUsercharts: Parsing User charts definitions - start
2023-08-19 11:29:05.437 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart Overview'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.441 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart Temperature'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.441 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart Wind'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.441 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart WindDirection'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.441 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart Rain'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.441 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart Humidity'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.441 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart Solar'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.442 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart DailyTemp'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.442 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart DailyPressure'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.446 Information Parsing User Charts: Evaluating Expression '(MinBarometer+MaxBarometer)/2'.
2023-08-19 11:29:05.453 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart ExtraCO2'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.453 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart ExtraTemperature'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.454 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart ExtraHumidity'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.454 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart ExtraUserTemp'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.454 Information Parsing User Charts Definitions : Chart ExtraLightning'
2023-08-19 11:29:05.463 Generating Compiler UserAskedData: Start
2023-08-19 11:29:05.464 Information GenerateUserAskedData: timeStart = 16.08.2023 11:25:00; timeEnd = 19.08.2023 11:25:00
2023-08-19 11:29:05.467 Monthfile constructor: Using fixed path: | data/ |; file: | *log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.473 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202210log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.473 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202208log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.473 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202307log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.473 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202207log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.473 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202305log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.473 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202302log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.473 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202202log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202206log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202303log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202212log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202306log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202205log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/alltimelog.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/monthlyalltimelog.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202304log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202211log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202308log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202203log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202201log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202209log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202204log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.474 Information MonthfileList removing from list of monthfiles to read: data/AirLink202301log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.479 Information Monthfile constructor: Working on: data/copy_Aug22log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.481 Information Monthfile constructor: MonthfileType is PointSemicolonComma
2023-08-19 11:29:05.484 ReadPartialMonthlyLogs: start.
2023-08-19 11:29:05.487 Information ReadPartialMonthlyLogs: reading Aug23log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.618 Information ReadMonthlyLogs: End
2023-08-19 11:29:05.624 Information Generate UserAskedData: DoneToday = 19.08.2023 05:39:00.
2023-08-19 11:29:05.624 Information DateIsToday for thisDate: 19.08.2023 05:39:00 | thisDate.DayOfYear: 231 versus Now.DayOfYear: 231)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.624 DateIsToday: thisSpan: 05:50:05.6247160 | thisSpan.TotalDays = 0,243120656435185
2023-08-19 11:29:05.624 DateIsToday returning True
2023-08-19 11:29:05.624 Information Generate UserAskedData: Must NOT generate the ALL Range.
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Loop over Chart: Overview)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing temp into tempdata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing dew into tempdata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing press into pressdata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing hum into humdata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing SolarRad into solardata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing rfall into raindata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Loop over Chart: Temperature)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing intemp into tempdata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing temp into tempdata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing feelslike into tempdata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing dew into tempdata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Loop over Chart: Wind)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing wgust into winddata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing wspeed into winddata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Loop over Chart: WindDirection)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing bearing into wdirdata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.625 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing avgbearing into wdirdata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Loop over Chart: Rain)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing rfall into raindata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing rrate into raindata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Loop over Chart: Humidity)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing hum into humdata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing inhum into humdata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Loop over Chart: Solar)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing UV into solardata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing SolarRad into solardata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing CurrentSolarMax into solardata.json (Range is Recent)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Loop over Chart: DailyTemp)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing avgTemp into alldailytempdata.json (Range is Daily)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing avgTemp into alldailytempdata.json (Range is Daily)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Loop over Chart: DailyPressure)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing minBaro into alldailypressdata.json (Range is Daily)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing  into  (Range is Daily)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Loop over Chart: ExtraCO2)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing CO2 into extrasensorsdata.json (Range is Extra)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing CO2_24h into extrasensorsdata.json (Range is Extra)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.626 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing CO2_pm2p5 into extrasensorsdata.json (Range is Extra)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.627 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing CO2_pm2p5_24h into extrasensorsdata.json (Range is Extra)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.627 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing CO2_pm10 into extrasensorsdata.json (Range is Extra)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.627 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing CO2_pm10_24h into extrasensorsdata.json (Range is Extra)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.627 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing CO2_temp into extrasensorsdata.json (Range is Extra)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.627 Information Generate UserAskedData - Testing CO2_hum into extrasensorsdata.json (Range is Extra)
2023-08-19 11:29:05.627 DoAirLink / AirQualitySensor  = False / True
2023-08-19 11:29:05.627 Information UserAskedData Doing the AirQuality stuff...
2023-08-19 11:29:05.636 AirLink Contructor: start
2023-08-19 11:29:05.636 Information AirLink Contructor: Parsing the country EU
2023-08-19 11:29:05.636 Warning AirLink Contructor Warning: EUAQI or EUCAQI are both used as EUCAQI in CumulusUtils
2023-08-19 11:29:05.637 Information WantToSeeNow = True
2023-08-19 11:29:05.637 Information WantToSeeNowCast = True
2023-08-19 11:29:05.637 Information WantToSee1hr = True
2023-08-19 11:29:05.637 Information WantToSee3hr = True
2023-08-19 11:29:05.637 Information WantToSee24hr = True
2023-08-19 11:29:05.637 Information WantToSeeWind = True
2023-08-19 11:29:05.637 Information AirLink Contructor: stop
2023-08-19 11:29:05.647 Airlinklog constructor: Using fixed path: | data/ |; file: | *log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.648 Airlinklog constructor: Using data/copy_AirLink202210log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:05.657 Information Airlinklog constructor: AirlinklogType is PointSemicolonComma
2023-08-19 11:29:05.661 ReadAirlinklog: start.
2023-08-19 11:29:05.661 AirLinklog: timeStart = 16.08.2023 11:25:00; timeEnd = 19.08.2023 11:25:00
2023-08-19 11:29:05.661 AirLinklog: Require data/AirLink202308log.txt to start
2023-08-19 11:29:05.867 AirLinklog: Finished reading the log at 19.08.2023 11:25:00
2023-08-19 11:29:05.867 Information ReadAirlinklog: MainMonthList created: 865 records.
2023-08-19 11:29:05.867 Information ReadAirlinklog: End
2023-08-19 11:29:05.954 Information GenAirLinkJson - Doing Wind for 2p5.
2023-08-19 11:29:05.956 Information GetUrlData Start: URL - http://localhost:8998/api/graphdata/winddata.json 
2023-08-19 11:29:06.166 Information GetUrlData Start: URL - http://localhost:8998/api/graphdata/wdirdata.json 
2023-08-19 11:29:06.506 Information GenAirLinkJson - Doing Wind for 10.
2023-08-19 11:29:06.506 Information GetUrlData Start: URL - http://localhost:8998/api/graphdata/winddata.json 
2023-08-19 11:29:06.722 Information GetUrlData Start: URL - http://localhost:8998/api/graphdata/wdirdata.json 
2023-08-19 11:29:06.923 Information UserAskedData Doing the ExtraSensor stuff...
2023-08-19 11:29:06.924 Information Extra Sensors constructor: start
2023-08-19 11:29:06.930 Information GetActiveSensors: Getting Extra Sensors for ExtraTemp
2023-08-19 11:29:06.933 Information GetActiveSensors: Getting Extra Sensors for ExtraHum
2023-08-19 11:29:06.933 Information GetActiveSensors: Getting Extra Sensors for ExtraDP
2023-08-19 11:29:06.933 Information GetActiveSensors: Getting Extra Sensors for SoilTemp
2023-08-19 11:29:06.933 Information GetActiveSensors: Getting Extra Sensors for SoilMoisture
2023-08-19 11:29:06.933 Information GetActiveSensors: Getting Extra Sensors for AirQuality
2023-08-19 11:29:06.933 Information GetActiveSensors: Getting Extra Sensors for UserTemp
2023-08-19 11:29:06.933 Information GetActiveSensors: Getting Extra Sensors for LeafTemp
2023-08-19 11:29:06.933 Information GetActiveSensors: Getting Extra Sensors for LeafWetness
2023-08-19 11:29:06.934 Information GetActiveSensors: Getting Extra Sensors for CO2
2023-08-19 11:29:06.977 Error GetActiveSensors: CO2 sensor is active but there is no data. Sensor is ignored
2023-08-19 11:29:06.978 Information InitialiseExtraSensorList: Creating ExtraSensors list Done. CUtils Continues, if any configuration errors, please correct.
2023-08-19 11:29:06.978 Information InitialiseExtraSensorList: Found the following Extra Sensors:
2023-08-19 11:29:06.979 Information   WH31 TempG of type: Temperature
2023-08-19 11:29:06.979 Information   WH31 TempW of type: Temperature
2023-08-19 11:29:06.979 Information   WH31 TempS of type: Temperature
2023-08-19 11:29:06.979 Information   WH31 TempK of type: Temperature
2023-08-19 11:29:06.979 Information   WH31 Garage of type: Temperature
2023-08-19 11:29:06.979 Information   WH31 HumG of type: Humidity
2023-08-19 11:29:06.979 Information   WH31 HumW of type: Humidity
2023-08-19 11:29:06.979 Information   WH31 HumS of type: Humidity
2023-08-19 11:29:06.979 Information   WH31 HumK of type: Humidity
2023-08-19 11:29:06.979 Information   WH31 Garage of type: Humidity
2023-08-19 11:29:06.979 Information   WN34L +5cm Bodensensor of type: UserTemp
2023-08-19 11:29:06.979 Information   Lightning of type: Lightning
2023-08-19 11:29:06.980 Information Extra Sensors constructor: stop
2023-08-19 11:29:06.984 Information ExtraSensorslog constructor: Using fixed path: | data/ |; file: | *log.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:06.985 Information ExtraSensorslog constructor: Using data/copy_ExtraLog202303.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:06.999 Information ExtraSensorslog constructor: ExtraSensorslogType is PointSemicolonComma
2023-08-19 11:29:07.003 Information ExtraSensorslog: start.
2023-08-19 11:29:07.003 Information ExtraSensorslog: timeStart = 16.08.2023 11:25:00; timeEnd = 19.08.2023 11:25:00
2023-08-19 11:29:07.004 Information ExtraSensorslog: Require data/ExtraLog202308.txt to start
2023-08-19 11:29:07.302 Information ExtraSensorslog: Finished reading the log at 19.08.2023 11:25:00
2023-08-19 11:29:07.302 Information ExtraSensorslog: MainExtraSensorsValuesList created: 865 records.
2023-08-19 11:29:07.302 Information ExtraSensorslog: End
2023-08-19 11:29:07.491 Information Uploading = maps.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:07.498 Information Upload File values: URL:
2023-08-19 11:29:07.498 Information Upload File values: CMX Dir: /
2023-08-19 11:29:07.498 Information Upload File values: UtilsDir: /CUtils
2023-08-19 11:29:07.498 Information Upload File values: remotefile: maps.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:07.498 Information Upload File values: requestname: /CUtils/maps.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:07.897 Information FTP/FTPS UploadFile: Done
2023-08-19 11:29:07.898 Information Uploading => extrasensorsdata.json from utils/extrasensorsdata.json
2023-08-19 11:29:07.898 Information Upload File values: URL:
2023-08-19 11:29:07.898 Information Upload File values: CMX Dir: /
2023-08-19 11:29:07.898 Information Upload File values: UtilsDir: /CUtils
2023-08-19 11:29:07.898 Information Upload File values: remotefile: extrasensorsdata.json
2023-08-19 11:29:07.898 Information Upload File values: requestname: /CUtils/extrasensorsdata.json
2023-08-19 11:29:08.227 Information FTP/FTPS UploadFile: Done
2023-08-19 11:29:08.228 Information Uploading => airlinkdataOut10.json from utils/airlinkdataOut10.json
2023-08-19 11:29:08.228 Information Upload File values: URL:
2023-08-19 11:29:08.228 Information Upload File values: CMX Dir: /
2023-08-19 11:29:08.228 Information Upload File values: UtilsDir: /CUtils
2023-08-19 11:29:08.228 Information Upload File values: remotefile: airlinkdataOut10.json
2023-08-19 11:29:08.228 Information Upload File values: requestname: /CUtils/airlinkdataOut10.json
2023-08-19 11:29:08.563 Information FTP/FTPS UploadFile: Done
2023-08-19 11:29:08.563 Information Uploading => airlinkdataOut2p5.json from utils/airlinkdataOut2p5.json
2023-08-19 11:29:08.564 Information Upload File values: URL:
2023-08-19 11:29:08.564 Information Upload File values: CMX Dir: /
2023-08-19 11:29:08.564 Information Upload File values: UtilsDir: /CUtils
2023-08-19 11:29:08.564 Information Upload File values: remotefile: airlinkdataOut2p5.json
2023-08-19 11:29:08.564 Information Upload File values: requestname: /CUtils/airlinkdataOut2p5.json
2023-08-19 11:29:08.932 Information FTP/FTPS UploadFile: Done
2023-08-19 11:29:08.934 Information Upload File values: URL:
2023-08-19 11:29:08.934 Information Upload File values: CMX Dir: /
2023-08-19 11:29:08.934 Information Upload File values: UtilsDir: /CUtils
2023-08-19 11:29:08.934 Information Upload File values: remotefile: systeminfoTable.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:08.934 Information Upload File values: requestname: /CUtils/systeminfoTable.txt
2023-08-19 11:29:09.195 Information FTP/FTPS UploadFile: Done
2023-08-19 11:29:09.195 All done, Entering the finally section...; Closing down.
2023-08-19 11:29:09.195 Disposing Isup...
2023-08-19 11:29:09.230 Disposing Sup...
2023-08-19 11:29:09.244 Ready...
Beiträge: 3140
Registriert: 10 Aug 2021, 23:41
Wohnort: Saarbrücken
Hat sich bedankt: 14 mal
Danksagung erhalten: 478 mal

Re: Cumulusmx und Raspberry


Beitrag von Gyvate »

wenn Du die erst jetzt aktiviert hast (die CUtils Logs), dann ist eines wenig aussagekräftig. Das musst Du über einen Tag oder Deine unseligen 48 Stunden beobachten.
Ich habe das auch schon bei mir beobachtet, dass die CUtils Website Updates öfter mit bis zu einer Stunde (in Ausnahmefällen länger, bis es merke und manuell eingreife) verzögert kommen, dann mehrere cumulusutils.exe Task aktiv sind, die Website nicht zum Abschluß kommt und CMX extrem hohe CPU Last erzeugt. Nach einem CMX Neustart ist dann alles wieder OK.
Ist zwar in einer Win11 Umgebung auf einem Raspi (RPi4B 4GB), also ohne mono, aber trotzdem wird's dort immer mal wieder eng. In den letzten 3-4 Tagen ist es erstaunlicherweise durchgelaufen (auch CMX 3248).
WS2320E,HP2553,HP3501,GWxy00,x=1,2;y=0,1,2;WH2650,WN19x0,WN1820, Meteobridge,Weewx , CumulusMX, Barani MeteoShield Pro, MetSpecRad02, SMarTCELLino, Personal Weather Tablet(PWT) - (Ecowitt WiKi Englisch)
Beiträge: 208
Registriert: 08 Dez 2020, 09:17
Wohnort: Willich
Hat sich bedankt: 82 mal
Danksagung erhalten: 8 mal

Re: Cumulusmx und Raspberry


Beitrag von moppedhausi »

Jetzt habe ich die Sache mal ein paar Tage beobachtet.
Bei CUtils habe ich keine Unregelmäßigkeiten beobachen können, alle 10 Minuten wird ein Logfile geschrieben.
Anschl. wurde in HTOP der Speicher wieder freigegeben.

Bei CumulusMX jedoch erhöhte sich der Speicherbedarf immer weiter.
Um 17:30 Uhr wurde bei HTOP weiterhin 22 Task mit einem
VIRT Speicher von 2121M und bei RES 2064M angezeigt.
Eine Stunde später wurde CumulusMX neu gestartet:

Das sind die letzten Zeilen vor dem Neustart:

Code: Alles auswählen

2023-08-21 18:46:00.342 FTP[39]: Error uploading realtimegauges.txt : Error while uploading the file to the server. See InnerException for more info.
2023-08-21 18:46:00.342 FTP[39]: Inner Exception: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
2023-08-21 18:46:00.342 Realtime[39]: End cycle
2023-08-21 18:46:00.446 Interval: Creating standard web files
2023-08-21 18:46:00.446 Current CPU temp = 44,3°C
2023-08-21 18:46:00.447 Interval: Done creating standard Data file
2023-08-21 18:46:00.447 Interval: Creating graph data files
2023-08-21 18:46:00.453 !!! Unhandled Exception !!!
System.OutOfMemoryException: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
  at (wrapper alloc) System.Object.AllocVector(intptr,intptr)
  at System.Text.StringBuilder..ctor (System.String value, System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length, System.Int32 capacity) [0x00099] in <d636f104d58046fd9b195699bcb1a744>:0 
  at System.Text.StringBuilder..ctor (System.String value, System.Int32 capacity) [0x0000f] in <d636f104d58046fd9b195699bcb1a744>:0 
  at CumulusMX.WeatherStation.GetTempGraphData (System.Boolean incremental, System.Boolean local, System.Nullable`1[T] start) [0x0000d] in <b0ae9ad91692488da7ace3260fd3c598>:0 
  at CumulusMX.WeatherStation.CreateGraphDataJson (System.String filename, System.Boolean incremental) [0x002c9] in <b0ae9ad91692488da7ace3260fd3c598>:0 
  at CumulusMX.WeatherStation.CreateGraphDataFiles () [0x0004e] in <b0ae9ad91692488da7ace3260fd3c598>:0 
  at CumulusMX.Cumulus.DoHTMLFiles () [0x000f9] in <b0ae9ad91692488da7ace3260fd3c598>:0 
  at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__7_1 (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <d636f104d58046fd9b195699bcb1a744>:0 
  at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.WaitCallback_Context (System.Object state) [0x00007] in <d636f104d58046fd9b195699bcb1a744>:0 
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00071] in <d636f104d58046fd9b195699bcb1a744>:0 
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <d636f104d58046fd9b195699bcb1a744>:0 
  at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem () [0x00021] in <d636f104d58046fd9b195699bcb1a744>:0 
  at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch () [0x00074] in <d636f104d58046fd9b195699bcb1a744>:0 
  at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback () [0x00000] in <d636f104d58046fd9b195699bcb1a744>:0 
2023-08-21 18:46:00.854 Reading live data
2023-08-21 18:46:00.857 DoCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): Valid response
2023-08-21 18:46:00.857 Received: FF-FF-27-00-7A-01-01-15-06-37-08-27-B9-09-27-EF-02-01-16-07-33-0A-00-7D-0B-00-00-0C-00-0B-15-00-02-E0-7C-16-00-00-17-00-1A-01-17-22-37-1B-01-12-23-3B-1C-01-0B-24-3D-1D-01-18-25-39-1E-01-2B-26-46-62-00-00-00-00-61-64-DD-52-55-60-22-19-00-55-0E-00-00-10-00-00-11-00-00-12-00-00-04-45-13-00-00-16-93-0D-00-00-63-00-E3-4A-70-01-1E-38-00-25-00-26-00-1F-00-21-00-00-00-08-06-60
2023-08-21 18:46:00.857 WH45 CO₂: Decoding...
2023-08-21 18:46:00.857 WH45 CO₂: temp=28,6, hum=56, pm10=3,7, pm10_24h=3,8, pm2.5=3,1, pm2.5_24h=3,3, CO₂=0, CO₂_24h=8
2023-08-21 18:46:00.857 LiveData: Wind Decode >> Last=0,0, LastDir=125, Gust=4,0, (MXAvg=1,9)

und das die ersten Zeilen nach dem Neustart:

Code: Alles auswählen

2023-08-21 18:46:17.491  ========================== Cumulus MX starting ==========================
2023-08-21 18:46:17.496 Command line: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/mono-service.exe -d:/opt/CumulusMX CumulusMX.exe -service 
2023-08-21 18:46:17.496 Cumulus MX v.3.26.0 build 3248
2023-08-21 18:46:17.498 Mono version   : (tarball Tue Jul 11 21:54:54 UTC 2023)
2023-08-21 18:46:17.621 Platform       : Unix
2023-08-21 18:46:17.625 OS Description : Unix
2023-08-21 18:46:17.625 Current culture: German (Germany) [de-DE]
2023-08-21 18:46:17.625 Running as a 32 bit process
2023-08-21 18:46:17.632 Checking required folders
2023-08-21 18:46:17.740 Reading Cumulus.ini file
2023-08-21 18:46:17.782 AvgSpdMins=10 AvgSpdTime=00:10:00
2023-08-21 18:46:17.804 Cumulus start date Parsed: 2015-01-01
2023-08-21 18:46:17.924 Reading Cumulus.ini file completed
2023-08-21 18:46:17.927 Creating lock file /tmp/cumulusmx-8998.lock
2023-08-21 18:46:17.957 Stop second instance: No other running instances of Cumulus found
2023-08-21 18:46:17.961 Create FTP log file: FTP-20230821-184617.txt
2023-08-21 18:46:17.963 Directory separator=[/] Decimal separator=[,] List separator=[;]
2023-08-21 18:46:17.963 Date separator=[.] Time separator=[:]
2023-08-21 18:46:17.963 Standard time zone name:   CET
2023-08-21 18:46:17.963 Daylight saving time name: CEST
2023-08-21 18:46:17.973 Daylight saving time? True
2023-08-21 18:46:17.976 21.08.2023 18:46:17
2023-08-21 18:46:17.976 No start-up delay - disabled
2023-08-21 18:46:17.976 No start-up PING
2023-08-21 18:46:17.984 Data path = data/
2023-08-21 18:46:18.102 BackupData: Creating backup folder backup/20230821184618/
2023-08-21 18:46:18.146 Created backup folder backup/20230821184618/
2023-08-21 18:46:18.146 Debug logging :enabled
2023-08-21 18:46:18.146 Data logging  :enabled
2023-08-21 18:46:18.146 FTP logging   :enabled
2023-08-21 18:46:18.147 Email logging :disabled
2023-08-21 18:46:18.147 Spike logging :enabled
2023-08-21 18:46:18.147 Logging interval = 5 mins
2023-08-21 18:46:18.147 Real time interval = 20 secs
Beiträge: 208
Registriert: 08 Dez 2020, 09:17
Wohnort: Willich
Hat sich bedankt: 82 mal
Danksagung erhalten: 8 mal

Re: Cumulusmx und Raspberry


Beitrag von moppedhausi »

Um den Thread zum Abschluss zu bringen.

Mein neuer Raspi mit identischer Konfiguration verhält sich ganz anders als meine Raspi Pi400.

Der neue Raspi gibt den reservierten Speicher für CumulusMX immer wieder frei und pendelt zwischen 143 und 153 MB.