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KlimaLogg - where are the data stored?

Begonnen von priborik, 21.11.2013, 12:01:04

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩


Hi all,

I have Klimalogg Pro connected to the PC and Klimalog software is installed.

I am running KlimaloggPro Service for grabbing the data from device and I know that every change going from device is stored in KlimaloggPro.dat file.
I thought, that service stores data to the 0_history.dat file too, but hisotry file is not updated till I run KlimaloggPro (UI version).

When KlimaloggPro is started, history file is update with all missing data since last start.

My question...
Where are the data stored after they are read by Service and before they are imported to the history file?

PS: Great forum. I was able to make my own applications for reading latest data (something like KlimaloggMonitor) and reading history file (something like KlimaloggViewer).


Zitat von: priborik am 21.11.2013, 12:01:04
... Where are the data stored after they are read by Service and before they are imported to the history file? ...

Only the KlimaLogg Pro UI itself reads the datasets directly from the device and appends them to the existing file "history_0.dat". The service, that periodically reads the current data (to be stored to the file "KlimaLogg.dat1") has no capabilities, to read also the datasets periodically. Datasets are received and appended to the file "history_0.dat" only at the time, where the application KlimaLoggPro (UI) itself is truely running.

Regards Hans
2xTFA Nexus, Sinus, Duo, EOS Max, Klima-Logger, Mebus TE923

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